Southern California's Hotel Coronado caters to and is frequented by members of the social upper-crust. Although she lives on the wrong side of the San Diego track, in a tent-city with her father. Otto, and ditzy sister, Violet, June Wray is a singer with the Eddy Duchin Orchestra appearing to the hotel. Johnny Marvin, an aspiring songwriter and the son of a wealthy automobile manufacturer, is staying at the hotel and, from they moment June and Johnny meet, they fall instantly in love. Trouble arises when Johnny's father objects to the romance, and complications and help arrive in the form of two Marine-hating sailors,Chuck Hornbostel and "Pinky" Falls, when Chuck marries June's ditzy sister.
Johnny Marvin
June Wray
Chuck Hornbostel
Pinky Falls
Otto Wray
Violet Wray Hornbostel
Eddie - Orchestra Leader
Walter Marvin
Mrs. Gloria Marvin
Barbara Forrest (as Jacqueline Wells)
Slug Moran